Sophomore Year

Introduction to Computer Science: Processing

Bouncing Balls

When we first began using ArrayLists, I created this little program that would randomly place balls of random color around the canvas. The balls would then 'fall' and bounce around the screen until they lost their simulated momentum.

Bounce Pattern

When we first began using ArrayLists, I created this little program that would create an ellipse that would move based on a random given velocity. The ball would move and slightly change color every bounce, creating a rainbow pattern.


When we first began using ArrayLists, I created this small Pong game. I created a simple AI that would control Player 2, and the game would keep score until either side reached a specified score.


While experimenting with opacity and translation, I created this little animation. It uses multiple triangles of their own color moving across the canvas while slowly rotating.

ImageEditor - Part 1

Using an image processing and editing class, I made the right image using the left image using various methods that manipulated the colors and locations of the image.

ImageEditor - Part 2

Using an image processing and editing class, I made the right image using the left image using various methods involving the colors of each quadrant.

TextEditor - Part 1

Using a text processing class, I created this image by manipulating the color of each letter based on the corresponding color at each location in the original image.

TextEditor - Part 2

Using a text processing class, I created a program that would 'draw' the lyrics of a song as you moved your mouse. The program used random() methods to change colors after each line in the song.

TextEditor - Part 3

Using a text processing class, I created a program that would 'draw' the lyrics of a song using noise to create the coloring and location of the letters, resulting in a wavy result.

Intro to Computer Science: Server-Side Web Development

Mad Libs

First experimentation with PHP

First, you are given the choice of the style of the story.

Next, you are given the blanks you need to fill.

Finally, a story appears with the given blanks.

Favorite Games

As a first project using SQL, I made a database listing my favorite games. The site featured editing tools, and showed icons of each of the platforms the games were available on.


For the final project, I made a social media site called 'Tweddit'. Using SQL and PHP, the site allowed for accounts to be created and allowed people to post on the site using the account.